Monday, January 28, 2013

Where did it go?

Last week it was -29C.  Today it is positively balmy at -9C.  I don't mind that the freezing cold is gone at all.

I do mind that the month of January is almost over and I am still diddling around about my theme for the calendar journal!  sheesh!

I very much wish my cough would be gone though!

I'm reaching deep for motivation this last week of January!  It isn't gone, it just looses focus in between my fits and starts!  oops, too deep; it has started the cough, cough again!  ;^)


Createology said...

Still too cold for me. I am sorry you have that nasty cough. Rest and fluids and your muse will figure out your January calendar. Getting well is most important...Healing hugs dear.

Carli The Quilter said...

Heh, our winter so far has been the exact opposite to yours. Mildest winter so far as I can remember. Today, Jan 30 and its -12. Last night when we went to bed, it was -4, so sunny and bright! Wow.
Snuggle in and keep the chicken soup coming and your cold will all of a sudden be gone. Good Health, love reading your blog.